Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tastebuds and Molecules...on TV

I'm fascinated by the ideas on matching food and wine that François Chartier put forward in his book, Tastebuds and Molecules ("Papilles et Molécules" is the original version written in French). It's easily the most innovative book that I've read in the past 20 years on the subject of matching wine with food.

Last June, Chartier's published his newest book, Les Recettes de Papilles et Molécules. Somehow, I missed that but, hey, it's tough to stay on top of everything! I must have been out golfing that day.

But, thanks to Michèle, I came across an episode of a show on Télé-Québec (Curieux Bégin) that devotes most of an hour-long episode to Chartier and a few of his recipes. Chartier explains some of his concepts and illustrates why the foods and wines are a great match.

Worth watching if you're interested in wine and food matching and Chartier's ideas. Télé-Québec is repeating the show Sunday, 9 January at 5pm, Monday, 10 January at 1:30pm and Tuesday, 11 January at midnight. In French.

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1 comment:

  1. I've been intrigued by this book since hearing an interview with Chartier (CBC Radio One) and heard him speaking of wrapping raspberries in nori...
    I think I'll be picking it up this week.
